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stay behindの例文


  • boys with parents in farflung places stay behind .
    子供達はご両親がたと 遠くに滞在します
  • aidasan , i'm sorry , but could you stay behind ?
    藍田さん 悪いんだけど 残ってくれる?
  • i guess there's no point in telling you to stay behind ?
  • i'll choose to stay behind and die together with you .
    あっ いけねえ。 え~!
  • then just shut your mouth and stay behind me !
    なら オレの後ろで おとなしくしてろ!
  • he asked if his family could stay behind .
    彼は家族をここに 置いていきたいとお願いしたわ
  • you already said you didn't stay behind for me .
  • who has also decided to stay behind and trust in prayer .
    彼は後に残り 祈りを捧げています
  • if the whole village leaves , we won't stay behind .
    お前達は馬鹿か 黙ってろ
  • no , joe , today is not the day to tell me to stay behind .
    今日は大人しく 待っていられない
  • sir , sir , just stay behind the yellow line .
  • if the reds take the village , will you go with us or stay behind ?
  • stay behind me . morales , work up here !
    俺の後ろに モラレス, こっちを頼む!
  • just stay behind me , and i'll hold them off as long as i can .
    後ろにいろ 俺が奴らを遠ざける
  • fundiswa , you just stay back . you stay behind thomas .
    うじゃうじゃいるぞ フンディスワ 下がってろ
  • groups 7 and 10 will stay behind to fly the speeders .
    グループ7と10は待機して スピーダーで飛び立て
  • tony , you're gonna need to find a way to stay behind .
    俺達はスタークウッドの内通者と コンタクトを取った
  • as long as we stay behind these walls , they can't touch us .
    壁の内側にいる限り、 敵は我々に触れない
  • you take this , chuck . stay behind us .
    これを チャック 俺達の後にいろ
  • you take this , chuck . stay behind us .
    これを チャック 俺達の後にいろ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3